24 November 2010

Think Bike Workshop No. 2

Thanks City of Toronto
Think Bike website!
Way back in September I attended the Think Bike workshop at the El Mocambo and posted a blog entry about all the great ideas that our friends from the Netherlands had for our fair city.

The Dutch bicycle/city planners teamed up with Torontonians and city hall folk to create plans for redesigning Sherbourne St. and setting out a plan for a downtown bike lane network.

I was so captivated by the discussions that I failed to take good photos of the designs. Much to my good fortune, the City of Toronto has updated its Think Bike website and has posted the presentations from that night. You can visit the site and download the PDF presentations as well as other presentations from the Netherlands.

In particular, I liked the illustrations of different ways to design a street with a separated bike lane. Here are some examples from the Blue team's presentation:

Protected 2-way bike path with central blvd

Protected 2-way bike path with small dividing curb

Low flow shared space

Traditional separated bike lanes on either side of car traffic

Be sure to check out the presentations in full.  Vive le vĂ©lo!

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